The Eye Hazards of Yard Work

The Eye Hazards of Yard Work

Learn how to protect your eyes while you prepare your yard for the springtime.

Spring is here! And most of us are anxiously waiting to get outside and start getting our houses and yards ready for the warmer months ahead. But even when spring cleaning, it’s important to keep your eyes protected. According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, over 90 percent of eye injuries are preventable, so make sure to follow safety precautions, especially when working in the yard this spring.

Keep your Eyes Protected with Safety Goggles
Choose goggles that create a seal around the eyes to keep them fully secure and prevent any debris from making its way in. Already have protective eyewear? Great! Just make sure to examine them for cracks and tears. If the condition is questionable, it’s time to toss and replace.

Make Sure your Area is Clear Before Starting
Leaf blowers and lawn mowers can send dirt and debris flying through the air, causing eye injuries to anyone around—especially if they aren’t prepared with safety eyewear. Use caution and check your surroundings before you begin using these yard tools. A bonus tip is to always make sure your engines are completely cooled when instilling gasoline and oil to avoid splattering.

Avoid Touching your Eyes When Gardening
Plants can carry diseases, so it’s best to keep your hands protected with gloves and avoid touching your eyes until they are completely sanitized. When using chemicals during your gardening, always wear a mask and goggles. And make sure to keep the nozzles facing away from you at all times.

In case of eye injuries, the American Academy of Ophthalmology recommends the following:

  • If small debris or sand gets in your eyes, use an eyewash to flush out the eye. Do not rub. If debris does not come out, lightly bandage your eye and immediately visit your eye doctor.
  • For blows to the eye, gently apply a cold compress to reduce pain and swelling. Seek emergency medical care if there’s a lot of pain, reduced vision, or discoloration.
  • For cuts or punctures to the eye, bandage the eye without applying any pressure, and seek emergency medical care immediately. Don’t attempt to wash the eye or remove any objects stuck in the eye.

As always the best way to prevent any lasting eye injuries, is to schedule a routine check up with your eye doctor.

At Sterling vision, our eye care is focused specifically on you. Give us a call or stop by one of our convenient locations to schedule your appointment today!