Amblyopia – A Worldwide Threat to Children’s Vision

Amblyopia – A Worldwide Threat to Children’s Vision

Few people recognize this disorder… unless they hear it by its more popular name.

Amblyopia, commonly referred to as ‘lazy eye,’ can impact overall vision due to one eye’s abnormal development. This condition typically emerges early, often by the age of 7, and is characterized by a lack of coordination between the eyes.

Approximately 3% of children experience amblyopia, making it a leading cause of childhood vision impairment. Factors like premature birth, developmental disabilities, and family history of eye conditions can elevate the risk.

Early detection is crucial. Children should undergo their first comprehensive eye exam between ages 3 and 5 to promptly identify amblyopia. Effective treatments, such as eye patches and drops, can help strengthen the weaker eye.

If you suspect your child may have amblyopia, it’s essential to seek immediate medical advice. Our experienced eye doctors at Sterling Vision, your trusted optometry clinic in Eugene, Oregon, specialize in diagnosing and treating various eye conditions. You can schedule an appointment by calling 541-342-2202 or booking online.